Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The TarMan Cometh

Well, it's my favorite time of year once again. Then again, if you knew me then you'd know that every day is Halloween here. I just have an excuse to get creepier every October and blame it on the holiday. See what I did there? Works for me.

Anyway, I apologize if it always seems like I post about addiction, but well, it's my blog and I will if I want to. But, I have some plans coming up for the month, so this will be the last one for a while about my adventures in SmackLand. But I was thinking last night, after having a conversation with someone on Facebook about what opiate withdrawal is like and the best way to explain it to the lay person who's never laid track marks down that road.

I am a huge horror fan, most know this about me, but if you didn't, you know now. Especially vampires and zombies, who are, in effect, addicts themselves. The only diff is they like blood and brains, and we like the China White. Either way, we will suck the life out of ourselves, you, and everyone within in biting distance. But what I really got to thinking about was the movie, one of my all time favorites, "Return of the Living Dead". If you have never seen it, let me set it up for you in a real quick-like way: Two dimwits working at a medical supply company let their curiousity get the better of them, and go check out an Army tank in the basement that's stuffed with a rather nasty looking corpse, aptly named, TarMan (you will see the video soon to get the full on effect. Patience grasshoppers.) Well Moron #1 hits the side of the tank, this obnoxious gas comes blowing out into their faces, into the ventilation system, and out into Dimwit City. Oh, and of course, there is an appropriately placed cemetery across the street with a bunch of assholes partying in it (Incidentally, I was one of said assholes back in the day. I was always in a cemetery. Yes I'm morbid like that. I know). General mayhem ensues, raising the dead, and a whole lot of brain-chomping going on. In the meantime, Moron #1 and #2, though alive, are effected by said obnoxious gas and are effectively turned into one of the living dead, while still alive...are you following me here, or are you lost yet? Anyhoo, bottom line, they suffer through the stages of rigor mortis. It's a long and grueling process and in the end, the only thing that makes that pain go POOF is brrrrrrains.

Phew. Well, that's EXACTLY what opiate withdrawals feel like. I would imagine anyway. I've died, but never went through rigor mortis, but I can say I think I went through a form of it. A living hell. Many times (this dumbass didn't learn the first few several-teen times...sigh). You get all hot, then cold, your limbs get stiff and dizzy and all you can think of is either sawing your limbs off at the joint, or ending that pain with just a little prick of a needle. It really cannot be explained unless you've been through it. Most heroin addicts will tell you it's the worst.flu.ever. Yeah, a flu where you're 100% positive you are going to die (and pray and beg for it too).

These are the TRUE horrors of life, my friends. One of them anyway. It's not fantasy horror, or zombies shuffling outside your door, or vampires coming to call while you sleep. It's real life. It's scarier than the shit you see in movies. The monster you see is the one staring back at you from the mirror. People need to know this stuff. Kids need to know this stuff. Maybe, just maybe, if they knew the real deal, they wouldn't go all Curious George and get into some serious shit they may not make it out of. You don't have to get all graphic the way I did here, but you cannot, I repeat CANNOT, sugarcoat this stuff. It's life or death and it IS very real. And if you die, you will NOT be coming back as a cool-looking zombie to have Daryl Dixon pop a crossbow in your azz. Just.Not.Happening. Be well, my friends, be safe this Halloween season, and be responsible. More Halloweenie shit to come....

Enjoy this Return of the Living Dead music video. I still love this song....