Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Random Incursions Part II

Humans only use 10% of their brain (some, much less). I believe that if we were able to tap into that other 90%, things would get ugly, fast.

I don't believe in the biblical Armageddon, Rapture, Judgement Day, or whatever other phrase you want to slap on it. However, I DO believe that humans are destroying this planet. And either one day, we will destroy ourselves, or the Earth will fire back with all her fury and vengeance. I kind of think she's doing that already. I believe the strange weather, the increase in tornadoes, hurricanes and other such events are the Earth's way of saying, "If you don't change the way you live, you are SO fucked." And yes I did call her "she" - only a true bitch could unleash wrath like that.

I will never in my life be able to own or operate a firearm or vote. I'm more disappointed about the firearm deal. Even if I could vote, I wouldn't. I have never believed that mine or anyone else's vote has ever counted. I believe that positions of power are bought and paid for, period. Unfortunately, in this world, money talks, and ethics don't count for shit.

I wonder why the people I love have to suffer, despite their goodness and dedication to others. Why, when I was a total piece of shit, hurting myself and others, do I not suffer for my "sins"? I do, with guilt, but how am I in near perfect health, and others are not when they DON'T deserve it?

Everyone is addicted to SOMETHING. Some are just lesser of all the evils.

What I loved about my father the most and what I love about my sister: their honesty. Brutal at times, yes, but you would never hear a dishonest word out of my father's mouth, nor my sister's. I've always secretly wished I could be as bold and honest. I'm working on that.

What I love most about my mother: her undeniable compassion and unconditional love.

What I love most about my small circle of friends: they accept me as I am and I accept them as they are. There's no judgement, no backstabbing, no catty bullshit...only love, understanding, trust, forgiveness and compassion for each other. True friendship is one of the things I cherish the most in this life, where trusting others is usually and often difficult.

I have witnessed two deaths in my life. It is devastating and, put simply, it sucks.

I have witnessed two deaths of pets. It sucks just as bad.

I love people watching. Humans fascinate me. Often my husband has asked me why I stare at people, but it's not because I am doing it in contempt, but rather a quiet awe.

I've been asked why I am so into vampires, my own son accuses me of being obsessed. The main reason is I grew up watching the Christopher Lee "Dracula" flicks, and numerous other low budget vampire films. What can I say, it just happens to be my favorite horror genre. Over time, I also think it's because, even though they are fictional, I can identify with them, in the sense of addiction. They need to feed on blood to live, to survive, and as much as they may hate to hurt people to do it, it's the obsession and the "addiction" that drives them. They are stuck in a vicious cycle much like addicts. There are so many parallels if you just think about it.

I trust only 4 women: my mother, my sister, and two very close friends.

I trust only 2 men: my husband and my best friend.

Music is a huge part of my life. There is probably a song for every moment in my life, good times and bad. I don't know what I would do without it. I've always secretly wished I could play an instrument.

As I approach 40, it's hard not to think of my life as being "half over". But when the thought comes, I tell myself that the chance to make the second half of my life into something really great is too promising to ignore.

1 comment:

  1. That is interesting, about people watching. I like what you said, about quiet awe. I was a waitress for years, and now that I'm older, I work as a cashier. I sometimes interact with as many as 300 people in some kind of short conversation. I first observe their entire body, I love faces, and expressions. I watch how they move, how they reach for their money, how they count their money, I love to look at their hands. It's so interesting that a persons hands, are blueprints to a persons personality. Then of course because I work at a gas station, I get to see what they drive. I just never thought about it, until I just read your "cronic". I get paid, basically to people watch. There is definitely, never a boring day, even though I do the same thing everyday. Thanks for sharing, your internet friend Sandy.
