Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Evolution of Essence: Bridging Our Connections With Familiars

Good grief, I feel like my brain is oozing out of my ears today. I would have continued this discussion on my last blog post, but writing tends to exhaust me and I need to rest afterward. So after writing the last piece, I went and laid my head down. But, I knew I hadn't written all I wanted to write, and as what usually happens when something is left unwritten or unfinished with me, I cannot rest. This, in itself, can be maddening. It's like Chinese water torture for my brain; it's just not going to stop until I release everything I know, or feel.

So, where was I? I was explaining my thoughts on the Evolution of Our Essence. In a roundabout way I related this to past lives and our essence being reborn into each new shell until it completes its Evolution. So, why then, do we have families, or tribes, or clans/groups of people if the point is to evolve individually? Well, because in my opinion, we not only learn from our own evolution, but the evolution of others. Further, I believe as beings of energy, certain types of energy attract to one another, much like if you were to stand outside in a storm and hold a metal rod...the lightning would veer toward that rod because it is familiar and can conduct it's life force, its essence or energy, through that particular material, or matter. So, we as energy are attracted toward the physical; matter that is familiar to us. In these terms, it is through blood, kinship, family, or other connections we make through "like-minded" energy. It is these connections that anchor us in the physical world, in our very own bodies and in the bodies of others.

I have the tendency to believe that being attracted to like matter and energy has something very much to do with why you connect with certain people and why you do not. Why some people attract you, and others repel you. I believe that these "like-minded" energies can travel through multiple life cycles together. Because not only do we continue to evolve personally, we evolve together. We learn from our own mistakes, but we also learn from each other's. Think on this for a moment: perhaps the reason I am a mother is to teach my son lessons that I have learned from the past, including beyond my current shell. Perhaps in another "shell", my son was MY teacher, in some form, perhaps even my brother or my father, because there were things he had to teach ME. But what he did not know, or could not learn for himself, cycled back to me, and my knowledge, and what I had to give to him, and so on and so on. Interesting.

It is this concept which also makes me curious about the other connections in our lives - friendships. Also, people we really don't know at all but can connect or identify with on some level. I think that quite possibly, these connections, these friends, even if at some point they drop out of your (current) life, will remain connected to you, energetically, in the next because you each have something to give each other, and of course, you're still learning. In regards to people we really don't know, but can identify with through means of shared experiences, I think it is because at some point in each of our cycles, we've passed these people, or other energies, before and can, in a very real way, feel that connection again at a later life cycle. Though, sometimes, we just cannot recognize or pinpoint it for what it is.

Which brings me now to deja vu. Have you ever been somewhere or met someone you were so sure you had been before or met before? That the possibility that you dreamt it HAD to be an impossibility? I forget the exact way that Science has explained this in medical terms, but it's something along the lines of your brain, for an instant, misfiring. As if there is a "skip" in the CD that is your brain, so when it skips, it goes backward in time for an instant, and replays from that instant. Thus, this results in the feeling of "deja vu". Honestly, I don't think, or rather, I no longer feel that this is a completely satisfactory explanation. I get the basic components of it, but what makes your brain "misfire" in the first place?

Our brains are so complex and as much a mystery as to the question why we are even here. Physically, the body cannot survive without the brain. It controls everything in our chemical makeup. It emits electrical impulses (energy!) to our organs and our limbs so that our bodies know what to do, how to react. Is it so impossible, then, to imagine that our energy, when it takes on another life cycle, or physical form, that the very essence of who we are goes into the brain? Is it impossible to imagine that these moments of deja vu are our brains telling us, "I remember this" or "This person seems familiar to me, or I've met them before" but they are actually memories that could span over hundreds, maybe even thousands of years....perhaps over many millenia? But why do we NOT remember everything, with the utmost clarity?

Because, I feel, as with most matters of the physical, it is a built in defense mechanism to keep from driving you mad. The brain offers many defense mechanisms, as we all know. I really don't know how else to explain it, and I'm not going to try. It is only how I feel, and that's all I can say. What I do know is that I feel better. And in doing this simple act of writing, I've learned one of my lessons of this life - creating a healthy outlet to express myself. Mission accomplished.

AJW 6/28/11

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