Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Random Incursions Part III

I despise it when people wear pajamas in public. Like the girl I saw in court last month wearing jammie pants. Way to impress the judge.

Addiction is not a choice, but recovery is. I believe that. And recovery isn't just about quitting whatever it is you're addicted to, it's about change...in everything. This includes behaviors. I finally realized that it is other things that I do that can not only cause me to use, but do not make me a good person. The first steps to change, for me, are about making the right choices. The kind where I can lay my head down at night knowing that I did the right things, for the right reasons.

I've been asked why I go so far out of town for meetings. Well, for one, I'd rather go farther away a couple of times a week to go to a meeting that I KNOW I will get something out of and feel good. I find it much more beneficial than going to a shitty meeting every single night. The ones I go to aren't fashion shows, or about who is screwing who, or long, drawn out bitch fests. I don't go to meetings to hear about other people's problems, I go to hear about how they got THROUGH them.

I'm a geek, and not ashamed to say it.

There are many moments when my affection for animals is much deeper than my affection for human beings.

A few months back, I was told that I have anger issues. I guess that would explain the whole wanting to beat the living shit out of someone/something at times.

The only time I ever feel true peace and relaxation is at the ocean.

I have never been in a physical fight in my entire life. I'm a lover not a fighter. However, I'd make an exception if anyone ever laid a finger on my son or harmed one hair on his head.

My biggest character flaw is procrastination. I have to work to change that. I'll start tomorrow.

I had a 4.0 grade average while attending school for Computer Tech. I screwed that up by relapsing and never finished. Epic fail.

I absolutely adore Christian Bale. Yes, hubby knows. Yes, he rolls his eyes. And yes, he even puts up with it.

I was voted "Miss Jewelry" in second grade. And it's probably the only thing girly about me.

When having to give random urine tests, I secretly wish I was a guy, just for that moment.

Hubby and I amuse ourselves by having conversations consisting of movie quotes.

I try to see the lesson in everything.

I almost went into the Air Force. It was a dream of mine to become a fighter pilot. A bad set of eyes nipped that in the bud. I'd still give my right arm to fly in a jet just once.

My father and I both broke our backs. And both around the same age. Chip off the ol block I guess.

My grandfather taught me how to ride waves at the beach. My beloved neat-freak step-grandmother taught me how to do hospital corners on bed sheets. I make a bed so neat and tight that a dollar bill would bounce off of it.

I have mild OCD. I'm what you call a "checker". When I lock my car, I have to hit the lock button at least three times. When I set my alarm, I have to check the wake up time a few times before I crawl into bed.

My biggest pet peeve is bad spelling and bad grammar. And if you see a mistake in anything of mine, it's a typo!! And it's common knowledge that if you misspell something or mispronounce it, I WILL correct you. You can't learn if you don't know!

And, in conclusion, I guess, because I could go on and on (I'm long-winded like that), my biggest fear at the moment is loss, in any form. I don't think I could take much more. My biggest hope for the future is being able to be the best possible person that I can. There are no limitations. The trick is in knowing that there never were.

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