Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Random Incursions

Life is a blank sheet of paper, and I am the script that lay upon it.

Sometimes I literally feel like beating the living shit out of something or someone. Thinking of taking up boxing.

I am not afraid to die. I am only afraid of HOW I'm going to die. Hopefully not some flesh-eating disease, or zombies.

When I was very young, around the ages of 8-10, I had horrifying nightmares of demons, Satan, and Hell. A huge shout out to the Catholic School I attended for keeping me awake at night, for a very long time.

I am starting to believe that for every closed door, another one opens.

I was so traumatized by a childhood dentist, I still have nightmares till this day. I'm hoping that when the bastard dies, there's a special Hell where little kids get to torture him by drilling and yanking his teeth without novacaine.

Although I believe in psychic ability, I am apprehensive to believe most who claim it. However, a psychic I went to back in 1993, predicted exactly who I would marry. She told me a great number of other things, as well as describing my past, and thoughts I never spoke out loud...but she KNEW.

I have this overwhelming sense that I have something important to do in this life. I don't know what it is yet, but I'm patiently waiting to find out.

The only time I've actually prayed in the last 25 years is during my addiction. Either praying for death because I couldn't take the sickness, or praying for a fix and then an empty promise to quit the next day.

There's only 4 people in this entire world that I will ever actually care about what they think of me: my mother, my sister, my husband, and my son.

If I pay attention and focus, I can literally hear and feel energy changes.

My gut instincts have never failed me. Often, they have kept me from dangerous situations. I was invited to a party once, but didn't go, I had that *feeling*. I went to another party going on that same day. The next day I found out there was a shooting at the other party; one dead, one disfigured for life.

When I broke my back, I lost all bathroom functions for about 6 months. They came back but not the same. However, my menstrual cycle didn't miss a fucking beat. Epic FUCK MY LIFE.

Humor is how I deal with life. I sometimes laugh about things that I probably shouldn't, but it is how I cope. I also laugh about people, cruel as that sounds. But I am not prejudiced, I make fun of everyone equally.

I admire people who aren't afraid to say, "This is who I am!", even if it is seen as "different" or "strange". Those are the people who are REAL, who aren't afraid to be who they are, and they are usually honest people.

....more to come....

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